Bathroom renovation Albert Park

Bathroom renovation Albert Park


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Renovation project Description

We love the way how our clients come up with ideas for bathroom renovation projects. This was one such unique project that we came across for a client in Albert Park. When you think of a bathroom, you will imagine a picture on your head. The bathroom we delivered to this client is not anywhere close to that picture you will develop. Instead, this will be a unique and one-of-a-kind bathroom renovation project. This project clearly showcases the expertise of House Sanctuary Builders and the ability to deliver customized solutions to the clients while adhering to all their needs.

Bathroom renovations Albert Park project description

The client didn’t want a traditional bathroom. Instead, he wanted to combine some outdoor space with the bathroom. We were provided a basic picture of how it should look like from the client as well. While keeping that in mind, we went ahead with finalizing the plan of the bathroom remodelling project. It is important to note mention that the client was providing much-needed assistance to us throughout the planning stage. Hence, we didn’t have to deal with any confusion. We could complete everything as per the expectations of the client and deliver outstanding results.

Planning before construction

Since this was a customized bathroom renovations project, we had to do some heavy planning. That’s because we didn’t want to take any chances with making bathroom renovation mistakes. At one end of the bathroom, we could have space open outdoor. We placed the commode near the door to the outdoor space. This provided the client to enjoy some fresh air when sitting in the bathroom.
We planned to have the shower at the other end of the bathroom. In between then, we wanted to have the vanity, washbasin, and mirror. The client was happy with the design and provided a green light for us to go ahead with construction. Then we started working on this bathroom renovation.


The project construction activities were costing more money for us when compared to ordinary construction. That’s because we had to fulfil some unique requirements of the client. However, we were able to minimize the expenses as much as possible as we went ahead with the constructions as well.
For example, we came up with a unique idea to save money on storage space while constructing this bathroom. That’s where we carved a space on the wall near the shower for keeping shampoos, shower gels, soap, and other items. Hence, we didn’t want to get any fixtures to keep them. We just had to install the shower inside the showering cubicle of this bathroom. We could use that storage space for decorations as well.

Then we had a look at the vanity. We introduced a floating vanity due to the space-saving design. A washbasin was installed on top of the sanity. Then we introduced a decently sized mirror to the bathroom as well. As the last phase of construction, we had a look at the outdoor space and the commode. We could complete the construction of it according to the initial plan. The client was fully satisfied with the way how the team at House Sanctuary Builders approached Albert Park project.

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